

Friday, February 28, 2014


Why is it that people have to go to a “substance” to feel better? Have we gotten that desperate to escape from reality? I will be the first to admit that some of us *DO* need medications. That is perfectly fine. I am talking about those who abuse drugs, don't understand "moderation" or feel that they NEED *insert addiction here* to survive day to day. Ok…I understand, life is hard. No one has a perfect life. For those that have gone through hard times, I’m sorry. HOWEVER…you have no one to blame but yourself. Harsh? Yes…but it is the truth. It is all in your hands whether to let life’s roadblocks stop you or if you plow through that road block and construct a new path to better yourself. You can not blame others for your smoking habit or your alcohol consumptions. Did they jump in your mind and say HERE you are forced to smoke/drink this or I will smite you? YOU made the decision to pick up that cig or drink down that first beer.

 You are probably thinking…

 “What does she know? She hasn’t gone through what I have been through.” How do you know? I might not have gone through what you have, or I might have gone through stuff much, much worse! What might seem insignificant to me, could be a devastating thing to you. I don’t judge other people’s lives, nor will I ever say you had it better or worse than me. People that know me on a personal level know that I have survived a whole heck of a lot, and will continue to survive. I will not let bad events change me in a negative form. I will learn from these mistakes and become a stronger women. I will learn from these trials and tribulations. I am no angel, and I will still occasionally stumble and fall….the difference is I will get back up and try harder not wallow in my own self pity.

 I am going to end this note with lyrics from one of my favorite songs…

 “This world ain’t fair
 It can knock you on your butt
You can just lie there
or you can get back up
You gotta get back up

 There are times in life
when you gotta crawl,
Lose your grip, trip and fall
When you can’t lean on no one else,
That’s when you find yourself

I’ve been around and
I’ve noticed that Walk-in’s easy
when the road is flat
Them danged ‘ole hills will get you every time.
Yeah, the good Lord gave us mountains
so we could learn how to climb”

“Mountains” ~ Lonestar


  1. we go to things like drugs because we lack the will to make ourselves happy. we instead look for the easy path, without realizing how much damage it does to us.

  2. It does a lot of damage that takes YEARS to fix...I am still working on damage control.
